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      • 寓教于樂,讓英語課堂活力值UP!UP!UP!
        作者:       來源:  UP!UP!UP! Be happy to learn English    1445次瀏覽     日期: 2017.10.18


        UP!UP!UP! Be happy to learn English 


            Inthis semester, in order to develop the teaching standard of teacher’s andstudent and improve teacher’s pedagogy, our school’s English teaching and research group invited Qi Xueping, theteacher of PutianSunYat-sen Middle School, to observed the class together.

        1018日下午,在七年(2)班,學(xué)校全體英語老師和祁老師共同觀摩由陳靜靜老師所帶來的七年級上冊《Unit2 Topic1 Section B I have a small nose》這一課例。

        In the afternoonof 18th October,2017, Chen Jingjing brings lessonUnit2 Topic1Section B I have a small noseinthe Class Two, Grade Seven. All English teachers viewed the class with Miss Qitogether.


        In thisclass, some vivid and lively course-wares pulled closer between students withteacher. Meanwhile, Miss Chen’s friendly statements and actions highly  motivated students to participate theactivities.


        In the end,Miss Qi from curriculum object、classroommanagement and pedagogy process etc gives Miss Chen valuable guidance. This kindof conversation between teachers, not only based on the actual classroompractice, but also give teacher a chance to share and exchange experience.Moreover, it can effectively improve the teaching level if teachers, so as todevelop students’ overall English literacy.

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